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A Safe Alternative to Chemical and Manual Exfoliation

Dermaplaning the Skin is Safe and Effective
One of my favorite types of "manual exfoliation" is Dermaplaning, Blading or Leveling the skin. Dermaplaning removes the outer most layers of dead skin cells leaving the skin immediately smooth, supple and vibrant. Dermaplaning (Blading) is another non-traumatic method of skin rejuvenation.

How is this treatment performed?
It is safely performed by using a #10 blade (a sterile surgical blade). The blade is held against the skin at a 45 degree angle and stroked along the skin, just like shaving. However, the practitioner is doing the stroking while holding the area of skin taut. The treatment can be performed alone or in combination with other facial treatments as a booster. You can have your Dermaplaning done over 2 weeks.

Is this Treatment Safe?
This treatment, when professionally trained, is extremely safe. There is no more risk to the skin than when a man shaves his face. As long as the practitioner has adequate training, the treatment should be very easy and quick.

If you are "blading" the skin on the face, won't the hairs on the face grow back thicker? No. It is physiologically impossible for your vellous hairs to grow back thicker. True, once the hair is cut, it has a blunt edge. But this blunt edge does not mean that the hair structure has been physiologically altered.

There are two types of hair that grow on our bodies. Vellous (tiny translucent blonde hair) and Terminal (thicker hair that grows under the arms, pubic area, eye brows, legs, mustache and beard for men.

Vellous hair when cut or removed will grow back the same. The structure of the hair does become damaged, therefore it is impossible to alter. Terminal hair is physiologically coarse.

Sometimes, waxing can make the hair appear to be “thinner” but it is really not thinner at all. Because waxing pulls the hair from its roots, the new hair grows in with a smooth tip, making it feel softer. But it is actually the same type of hair it was before. It's only when we cut hair (any type of hair) that the hair grows back with a blunt cut at the tip.