Thermi RF
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Thermi RF

One of the newest techniques for skin tightening is known as Thermi RF. The RF refers to radio frequency which is the energy used to treat the tissue layers beneath the skin so that they will tighten the skin and pull it into a better contour against the body. This treatment is done in the office under local anesthesia. It allows for treatment of multiple body areas including the neck, jowls, loose skin of the arms or abdomen or back and in some cases even of the legs. The treatment system can also be used to significantly reduce sweating in the arm pit area. This is usually a single treatment that in the facial area can last at least two years or more. Additional touch ups can be used if needed. The Thermi RF treatment gives us an in between treatment step that falls between surgical and procedures such as facelifts and milder surface treatments such as laser and chemical peels. The Thermi RF treatment can be done in conjunction with a liposuction procedure to provide skin toning with volume reduction.